What’s New in Mobile SDK 11.1

Mobile SDK 11.1.0 is a minor release that features modernized support for iOS and Android.

In interim releases, we often deprecate items in native libraries for removal in an upcoming major release. Be sure to check your compiler logs for deprecation warnings so that you can address any changes before they go into effect.

For information on upgrading Mobile SDK apps, follow the instructions at Migrating from the Previous Release.

These changes apply to more than one platform.

  • Cordova for Android: 12.0.1
  • Cordova for iOS: 7.0.1
  • React Native: 0.70.14

We’ve successfully tested Mobile SDK for compatibility with iOS 17 and XCode 15. See iOS 17 Release Notes.

We’ve introduced support for Swift Package Manager, which can now be used to bring Mobile SDK into applications.

Check your compiler warnings, or see iOS Current Deprecations.

We’ve successfully tested Mobile SDK for compatibility with Android 14. See Android Version 14.

We’ve modernized the Mobile Sync Library on Android.

Although we don’t typically require consuming code changes in minor releases such as Mobile SDK 11.1, our modernized Mobile Sync library requires consuming code changes in some cases. For example, constants that were once imported from a class in Java are now imported from a companion object in consuming Kotlin code.

  • Our Mobile SDK Android templates are now up to date with the Kotlin DSL migration.
  • Our templates are now set up to download Mobile SDK artifacts from Maven Central, which results in a friendlier build environment.

We’ve fixed these bugs related to advanced auth.

  • If Chrome wasn’t found during the advanced auth flow, Android users were presented with an error and couldn’t continue with login. Advanced authentication now reinstates the expected behavior of using the default browser if Chrome isn’t available at runtime.
  • A bug caused some Android users’ login flow to reset to the initial screen when the app was backgrounded during MFA. We’ve fixed this issue and changed LoginActivity’s launch mode from singleInstance to singleTop. Apps that extend LoginActivity now require the same change.

We’ve added new advanced auth methods that allow you to 1) configure which browser your app selects and 2) view the currently selected custom tab browser. See Configuring Advanced Authentication in Android Apps.

Check your compiler warnings, or see Android Current Deprecations.